Novec 1230
Environmental Features
The atmospheric lifetime of Novec 1230 fluid is estimated to be in the range of 3-5 days and with a global warming potential of 1, it is considered that the Novec 1230 fluid has no measurable impact on climate change.
These attributes ensure that Novec 1230 fluid represents a truly sustainable technology.
Despite having a low boiling point, Novec 1230 fluid is able to be effectively vapourised over a wide range of hazard temperatures. It is therefore available to protect most hazards traditionally protected with halon 1301 and will be particularly important in Marine applications and others where high margins of safety and long term sustainability are considered to be important features.

Zero ozone depleting potential
Negligible global warming potential
Atmospheric lifetime of less than 5 days
Safe for use in occupied areas
Existing halon control system can be adapted for use with Novec 1230 fluid
Requires minimal storage space
Provisional S.N.A.P. listing by US E.P.A.UL/FM testing underway
Submitted for inclusion in ISO and CEN design standards

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