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Restrictions to FM200 (HFC227ea) and any Clean Agent F-Gas coming off the market in Ireland is class

Restrictions to FM200 (HFC227ea) and any Clean Agent F-Gas coming off the market in Ireland is classed as “Returned or Recovered”.

FM200 gas

In order to comply with the restrictions the following applies:

• Staff Training and Certification The company and staff handling must be F-Gas Certified

The collection and transport of waste, returned or recovered ozone-depleting substances (refrigerant gases and halons) is controlled, to ensure environmental protection and compliance with waste law, the same requirements apply also to the collection and transport of waste, returned or recovered fluorinated greenhouse gases.

Contractors must have made a Prior Annual Notification to the Environmental Protection Agency, and where that Prior Annual Notification has been acknowledged by the Agency or must hold a valid Waste Collection Permit for the area(s) in which collections are taking place and for the waste types that cover ozone-depleting substances (relevant EWC codes may include: 140601*, 160504*, among others.

The storage of waste refrigerant gases is not permitted on any site (other than temporary storage at the site of generation), unless that site is specifically authorized to do so.

Appropriate authorisation will be one of the following:

1. Waste Licence issued by the EPA;

2. Waste Facility Permit issued by the relevant local authority; or,

3. Certificate of Registration issued by the relevant local authority. Under no circumstances can a contractor store the waste refrigerant gas on their own site without having an appropriate authorisation for the storage of such waste.

FIRETRADE and KSS Fire Suppression currently and historically has compliancy in all of the above areas and therefore as a subcontractor can provide you with a solution to the above restrictions.

*It is important to note that we are the only Fire Company in Ireland that is fully compliant is all 3 areas.

In addition to that, we are also a registered Dealer Broker with the National Trans frontier Shopping Office and can therefore providing full Waste Solutions to restricted/banned waste gases. For More Info or a Quotation Please Don’t Hesitate In Contacting Us @ 01 413 1336


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